Get Involved with Fat Fox
Mushroom Cultivation Technician
For this role we are seeking someone to be involved in the practical tasks associated with running a mushroom company: You will take a leading role in the production of mushroom growing kits, fruiting blocks, fruiting, harvesting and other practical tasks. This position requires good attention to detail, a strong work ethic, and the ability to spend long hours doing repetitive tasks. You should be highly motivated, self-directed with good physical stamina and a desire to have a highly physical role. You should also have good creative problem solving skills and a grasp of planning and logistics. Preference will be given to those with a proven track record involving manual labour.
Food Blogging
A culinary collaboration with Fat Fox Mushrooms
Are you a current or aspiring food blogger? Are you fascinated by Fungi? Do you wish you could get your hands on some new and exciting ingredients that you just can't get in the shops?
If this describes you, then we would love to work in partnership with you!
We're looking to partner with someone passionate about gourmet mushrooms, to help demonstrate their versatility and uniqueness within the kitchen.
We can provide the interesting ingredients, inspiration for recipes and even help share and promote blogs.
Get in touch and tell us a little about yourself, where you're heading and how we can help!